In honor of my Grandfather "Poppy," I will not post the remainder of the week.
Billy Joe Cutbirth
(October 4, 1932-July 28, 2009)
A great oak has fallen. Billy Joe Cutbirth departed this world July 28, 2009. He was the embodiment of grit, hard work, and determination and held fast to his uncompromising values. Born prematurely to parents Henry Cutbirth and Annie Jones Cutbirth on October 4, 1932, he survived by being fed with an eye dropper and spending his first days in a shoe box placed in the bread warmer of their wood cook stove. This grit and determined spirit carried him throughout his life.
Billy Joe was well-liked and respected by those he encountered, and when he talked, people listened. Even though he was given the name William Daniel by his parents, as a young boy he convinced his teachers, friends, and family that his name should be Billy Joe. And one day he proclaimed, “From this day on, call me Billy Joe,” so they did, and we did, and he lived on Billy Joe Road in Crane for nearly 60 years.
Billy Joe loved the Ozarks and celebrated his hill-folk heritage, where the figure-it-out and do-it-yourself way is held in high regard. He was a talented carpenter and accomplished farmer, able to do anything that needed done himself. He left this world with calloused hands so thick that they will never wear thin.
He loved to grow a garden, restore antique furniture, attend auctions, and “study things through” for himself and others. Active in community issues, he faithfully served on the Crane School Board for many years, as well as the Stone County Soil and Water Board.
Billy Joe understood the importance of family. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather, and brother, ensuring their needs were met. Billy Joe and wife Helen raised their four children in a caring home on the family farm in the “holler.” He exercised unconditional love for his children, and when discipline was necessary, a look from his sky-blue Irish eyes and a point from his index finger was all it ever took.
Billy Joe served as a more wonderful example of a husband, father, grandfather, brother, and neighbor than this world will ever see. He will be sorely missed by all.
He is preceded in death by parents Henry and Annie Cutbirth and siblings Laura Cutbirth, Lorene Hedrick, Freda Baker, Herman Cutbirth, Finus Cutbirth, Barbara Henson, Grace Bell, and Richard Cutbirth.
Billy Joe is survived by his wife of 58 years, Helen Chastain Cutbirth of Crane, Mo.; children Judy Berkstresser and husband Allen of Crane, Janet “Sis” Cutbirth of Springfield, Mo., Billy “Son” Cutbirth and wife Lesa of Crane, Brian Cutbirth and wife Carol of Clever, Mo.; sisters Ellie Clines of Ponce de Leon, Mo., and Neta Colleen McKnight of Crane; and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They loved him dearly and miss him greatly.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Got Milk?

College of the Ozarks has been named to the 2010 edition of The Princeton Review’s Best 371 Colleges,
Only about 15% of America’s 2,500 four-year colleges and two Canadian colleges are profiled in the book, which is The Princeton Review's flagship annual college guide. It includes detailed profiles of the colleges with school rating scores in eight categories, plus ranking lists of top 20 schools in 62 categories based on The Princeton Review's surveys of students attending the colleges.
The 80-question survey asks students about their school’s academics, administration, campus life, student body and themselves. Ranking lists for this edition are based on surveys of 115,000 students.
College of the Ozarks ranked among the top 20 in several categories. The Princeton Review ranked C of O fourth in “Stone-Cold Sober Schools,” and seventh in “Town-Gown Relations are Great.” C of O was also listed in “Got Milk?,” “Most Conservative Students” and “Best College Theater.”
The profile also offers feedback from current students. One student survey participant defined the average C of O undergraduate as “well-rounded, extremely helpful, friendly, down to earth, and used to earning every penny they have.”
While much of the survey was student opinion, other categories explored such information as financial need, the number of extracurricular activities offered, the admissions process and even the work ethic.
Only about 15% of America’s 2,500 four-year colleges and two Canadian colleges are profiled in the book, which is The Princeton Review's flagship annual college guide. It includes detailed profiles of the colleges with school rating scores in eight categories, plus ranking lists of top 20 schools in 62 categories based on The Princeton Review's surveys of students attending the colleges.
The 80-question survey asks students about their school’s academics, administration, campus life, student body and themselves. Ranking lists for this edition are based on surveys of 115,000 students.
College of the Ozarks ranked among the top 20 in several categories. The Princeton Review ranked C of O fourth in “Stone-Cold Sober Schools,” and seventh in “Town-Gown Relations are Great.” C of O was also listed in “Got Milk?,” “Most Conservative Students” and “Best College Theater.”
The profile also offers feedback from current students. One student survey participant defined the average C of O undergraduate as “well-rounded, extremely helpful, friendly, down to earth, and used to earning every penny they have.”
While much of the survey was student opinion, other categories explored such information as financial need, the number of extracurricular activities offered, the admissions process and even the work ethic.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Losing my Poppy
I lost my grandfather this morning. It's an empty feeling to lose someone you lived next to and spent so much time with your entire life. I actually lived 28 of my 31 years within a mile from him. Even after I moved an hour away, I went to visit he and my granny every Sunday. Two Sundays ago, I made my normal visit, but I didn't realize it would be my last to speak to him. I had cleaned their house and washed the blanket on his favorite chair. The last thing he said to me was, "Widders (my nickname), my blanket feels real fuzzy." That was his way of thanking me, even though he didn't have to thank me.
In true Cutbirth fashion, he did not give up fighting. As his family surrounded him after the respirator was removed he lingered. I think mainly he did that to listen to us recount the many stories we had heard from him. We talked about the time when his brother chopped his toes off with an ax, when he was a little boy. Both brothers calling the either's bluff and neither relenting, an ax swipe and two toes later, Poppy (what we call him) learned a valuable lesson: his brother was as stubborn and ornery as he was. Or when he, as little boy, decided that he would no longer be called William. He went to school and told his teachers and every classmate that "from this day forth, call me Billy Joe." So they did and we did, and the road he lived on for sixy plus years, is named Billy Joe Road.
At one point, while the family was gathered in the waiting room, I stopped to take note of the different conversations going on. Although we were a distraught family, there was laughter and pleasantry. Even though we got together more than most families, I wondered why we hadn't more.
This post has not much to do about Hard Work U, except for my grandfather was one of the best rolemodels I had to learn how to work hard. I held his hands this weekend and felt their roughness, callouses so thick they will never wear thin. This will be a difficult week for me and my family. I hope it's a great week for Poppy as he not only gets to go to heaven but gets to listen to how we admire and love him.
In true Cutbirth fashion, he did not give up fighting. As his family surrounded him after the respirator was removed he lingered. I think mainly he did that to listen to us recount the many stories we had heard from him. We talked about the time when his brother chopped his toes off with an ax, when he was a little boy. Both brothers calling the either's bluff and neither relenting, an ax swipe and two toes later, Poppy (what we call him) learned a valuable lesson: his brother was as stubborn and ornery as he was. Or when he, as little boy, decided that he would no longer be called William. He went to school and told his teachers and every classmate that "from this day forth, call me Billy Joe." So they did and we did, and the road he lived on for sixy plus years, is named Billy Joe Road.
At one point, while the family was gathered in the waiting room, I stopped to take note of the different conversations going on. Although we were a distraught family, there was laughter and pleasantry. Even though we got together more than most families, I wondered why we hadn't more.
This post has not much to do about Hard Work U, except for my grandfather was one of the best rolemodels I had to learn how to work hard. I held his hands this weekend and felt their roughness, callouses so thick they will never wear thin. This will be a difficult week for me and my family. I hope it's a great week for Poppy as he not only gets to go to heaven but gets to listen to how we admire and love him.
dealing with death,
hard work,
valuable lesson
Thursday, July 23, 2009
New Bookstore, Fun Project

Some of the most fun and interesting projects of the campus make their way to my desk, and I am not being facetious. One case in point, is the College's new bookstore website. Currently, the College Bookstore is receiving a much-needed makeover, including new track lighting, wood displays and cubbies, and of course new flooring. The improvements will finally bring the bookstore to the present. (Before I always felt as if I had stepped back into the 80's to shop for my collegial gear.) With the new look comes a new web presence, and my office was asked to stage a photo shoot for the apparel. One of my students in love with fashion immediately stepped up for the task. She researched catalogs, which I'm sure she hated!--now comes the satire. She ironed all the clothing until it was camera ready, as well as coordinated several students to take part in the shoot. To say the least, I know they had fun, and now the hope is that the College may have an updated bookstore website that really shows off the clothing. The newly-improved Bookstore will re-open the first week of August, just in time for the fall rush. The Bookstore website should follow shortly. Click to see the before, check back to see the after.
college apparel,
logo apparel,
logo gear
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ideas that Deserve More Thought
There's a lot to be said these days about living within you means, spending wisely, and avoiding government bailouts. Visit almost any news site and read hints about saving money on groceries to handling college tuition Weighing the Price and Value of Colleges. There are many individuals weighing in on the current recession, some with practical ideas. I'm not usually in the business of plugging politicos, but former Speaker Newt Gingrich's concepts for prosperity actually make some sense. Last Friday, he addressed the American Legislative Exchange Council and shared with them practical ideas of how to get Americans inspired to achieve three things for the nation: safety, prosperity and freedom. To do that, he insists, that we must rethink litigation, regulation, taxation, education, health, energy and infrastructure.
Read the outline of his full speech here.
Read the outline of his full speech here.
He uses College of the Ozarks as a reference for improving higher education, while instilling the positive characteristics, such as work ethic, that made the United States a prosperous nation. While it would be difficult to translate the C of O work program for a state institution, there should be some thought as to what hybrid would be successful at the public level.
Newt Gingrich,
Paying for College,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Student Writes a Portrait of Our Heroes

Just had to share this with everyone. C of O student Stephanie Ebling wrote this on the trip to Normandy for the 65th Anniversary of D-Day. Twenty C of O students accompanied ten WWII veterans for the trip. As you will learn, after reading Stephanie's diary entry, it was a life changing experience for both generations. Stephanie beautifully describes the men from the Greatest Generation. Please read and enjoy--simply precious.
Portrait of Our Heroes
By Stephanie Ebling
These are richly distinguished men whose poignant memories bring to life another age in our hearts. We taste the lives they once lived through their stories, but we can never understand. We only drink in the graciousness of their presence, their humble dignity, their wisdom, and an unyielding certainty that gives them each a gentle type of authority. This quiet gravity is like a mystery that draws us to them, in awe of the lives they have lived.
By Stephanie Ebling
These are richly distinguished men whose poignant memories bring to life another age in our hearts. We taste the lives they once lived through their stories, but we can never understand. We only drink in the graciousness of their presence, their humble dignity, their wisdom, and an unyielding certainty that gives them each a gentle type of authority. This quiet gravity is like a mystery that draws us to them, in awe of the lives they have lived.
Their honor has been earned and appointed them, but they are burdened with the weight of the memories that still silently haunt them, that still isolate them from their wives, their families, and a younger generation. The fears these recollections keep alive are clearly a part of the sacrifice that they were proud to make. These memories are the enemy that stayed with them, following them home and through their lives all these years. This enemy remained after their uniforms were put away, after their weddings, after their babies were born. This enemy was there while they paid off their mortgages, and still there after the last child went off to college. And I think that the clarity of purpose in the war they were involved in has helped to quiet these fears over time…a certainty that must come with such a just cause. Surely that understanding has helped them as they bravely fought these ghosts of the past, making them stronger each day, year after year, decade after decade. Their faith has been strengthened by practice, and now, as old men, it is clear to me that today, they are at their strongest. And so now I realize something very unexpected. They are greater men now than when they jumped out of a plane or charged off of a Higgins boat 65 years ago. For although their bodies are slowly failing, what is left is a priceless outcome that must certainly come from such a lasting sacrifice—gentle, selfless strength. The kind of strength that makes you wonder what the hell you will ever do for anybody that will give you the right to tread the earth for another seventy years and deserve to enjoy it with such vivacious relish, this passion and fulfillment that each of these men seem to have in common.
C of O Students,
Greatest Generation,
Friday, July 17, 2009
National Trend--Colleges Launch Nursing Programs to Ease Shortage

Just realized a trend. Nursing programs seem to be popping up like mushrooms around the country. As the Wall Street Journal reported June 12, 2009 (Recession Helps Nursing Shortage, At Least for the Moment ), long-term projections indicate that the nursing shortage will widen over the next decade as the economy improves and the current, aging work force retires.
It appears that colleges and universities are responding have been responding to this need by launching nursing programs. Nancy Spector, Director of Regulatory Innovations for the National Council of State Boards of Nursing says she is hearing from state boards that a trend for new programs is occurring.
College of the Ozarks, located near Branson, Mo., recognized the need for nurses in 2003, and couple of million dollars later launched a BSN program Fall 2007. The first cohort of C of O’s Nursing Program will graduate May 2010, and the newly-pinned nurses will then take NCLEX-RN tests and be able help ease the shortage in the Ozarks region. The College’s program is one of eight Missouri programs (some BSN, some LPN) launched in the past two years.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
"Letting His Light Shine"
Admired, loved, respected, confident, and trustworthy—these are just a few words used by family, friends, and fellow soldiers to describe Staff Sgt. Justin Copley, College of the Ozarks graduate.
Copley, a resident of Plato, Missouri, graduated from C of O in 2006 with a degree in Business Education. Upon completion of the Army ROTC program, he entered the force as a military policeman and while stationed in Iraq has strongly influenced the troops, the Iraqi police, and the people of the Ishaki district.
Though Copley received no pressure to enter the military, he was doubly inspired by his father and brothers’ involvement. His father, 1st Sergeant Michael Copley, had instilled the Seven Army Values in his sons throughout their childhood, and the seven boys were eager to live up to their father’s expectations. Sgt. Michael Copley’s death on July 19, 2004 left many broken, yet proud hearts, and he was honored in convocation at C of O. With all seven of his sons participating in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps Reserves, the patriotism of the entire Copley family is all the more apparent.
Sgt. Justin Copley’s outstanding soldier performance in Iraq has earned him fame in the media as well. The Missouri National Guard Publication Bear Facts published an article on Copley in its April 2009 issue ( The article highlights his accomplishments, hardships, and rewarding experiences while in Iraq.
Copley, a resident of Plato, Missouri, graduated from C of O in 2006 with a degree in Business Education. Upon completion of the Army ROTC program, he entered the force as a military policeman and while stationed in Iraq has strongly influenced the troops, the Iraqi police, and the people of the Ishaki district.
Though Copley received no pressure to enter the military, he was doubly inspired by his father and brothers’ involvement. His father, 1st Sergeant Michael Copley, had instilled the Seven Army Values in his sons throughout their childhood, and the seven boys were eager to live up to their father’s expectations. Sgt. Michael Copley’s death on July 19, 2004 left many broken, yet proud hearts, and he was honored in convocation at C of O. With all seven of his sons participating in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps Reserves, the patriotism of the entire Copley family is all the more apparent.
Sgt. Justin Copley’s outstanding soldier performance in Iraq has earned him fame in the media as well. The Missouri National Guard Publication Bear Facts published an article on Copley in its April 2009 issue ( The article highlights his accomplishments, hardships, and rewarding experiences while in Iraq.
The phrase “When Justin?” included in the title of the article is not uncommonly heard to Copley. In Arabic “when” actually means “where is.” The genuine love and respect the Iraqi has for their friend leaves them asking “When Justin?” more often than not.
“The things everybody has done are more noteworthy than anything I’ve accomplished,” said Copley. “They’ve done so many positive things for these people and this country.”
Being admired, loved, respected, confident, and trustworthy has gotten Justin through the most difficult times while serving, and he continues to press on with the same values his father taught him years ago. Though one of many fulfilling their call to duty, he maintains a heroic status among his family, friends, fellow soldiers, C of O community, and country.
“The things everybody has done are more noteworthy than anything I’ve accomplished,” said Copley. “They’ve done so many positive things for these people and this country.”
Being admired, loved, respected, confident, and trustworthy has gotten Justin through the most difficult times while serving, and he continues to press on with the same values his father taught him years ago. Though one of many fulfilling their call to duty, he maintains a heroic status among his family, friends, fellow soldiers, C of O community, and country.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Choosy College Forced to Expand

With only one out of 12 applicants gaining admission, Kaplan Newsweek calls College of the Ozarks one of the “choosiest colleges” in the nation. The Office of Admissions processes thousands of applications and conducts many interviews yearly to select new crops of students.
With over four thousand applicants this past year, Dean of Admissions Marci Linson requested more space for interviews. The College of the Ozarks’ Admissions Office has been under renovation but is nearing completion after months of hard work by the C of O Construction Department.
The Admissions Office is temporarily located on the second floor of the Keeter Gymnasium and is permanently located on the second floor of the Administration building. The staff and student workers have been in the gym since April 15, but the renovation began in the fall 2008 semester.
It became increasingly noticeable that the Admissions Office was short on space, but after the rush of applicants this past year, the College decided to take action. With the sponsorship of the Alumni Association and the labor provided by the Construction Department, the much-needed expansion is well underway.
The Admissions Office first moved to the Administration building in the early 90s, when there were minor changes made, and in 1998, the office received two new walls for the director’s office. Since then, there have not been any major renovations.
When the new office is completed, it will house three new offices for interviews, a conference room, and storage space beneath the new addition with an elevator that will provide easy access to supplies and files. Additionally, Dr. Linson, the office manager, and administrative representatives will receive more work space. The old space will be utilized as an office for 16 student workers during the school year.
The renovation is set to be completed by August 1.
With over four thousand applicants this past year, Dean of Admissions Marci Linson requested more space for interviews. The College of the Ozarks’ Admissions Office has been under renovation but is nearing completion after months of hard work by the C of O Construction Department.
The Admissions Office is temporarily located on the second floor of the Keeter Gymnasium and is permanently located on the second floor of the Administration building. The staff and student workers have been in the gym since April 15, but the renovation began in the fall 2008 semester.
It became increasingly noticeable that the Admissions Office was short on space, but after the rush of applicants this past year, the College decided to take action. With the sponsorship of the Alumni Association and the labor provided by the Construction Department, the much-needed expansion is well underway.
The Admissions Office first moved to the Administration building in the early 90s, when there were minor changes made, and in 1998, the office received two new walls for the director’s office. Since then, there have not been any major renovations.
When the new office is completed, it will house three new offices for interviews, a conference room, and storage space beneath the new addition with an elevator that will provide easy access to supplies and files. Additionally, Dr. Linson, the office manager, and administrative representatives will receive more work space. The old space will be utilized as an office for 16 student workers during the school year.
The renovation is set to be completed by August 1.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
College Takes Steps to Protect Campers from Swine Flu

Gone are the day when head lice was the worst issue children headed to summer camp could face. Swine flu is a dirty word these days, especially at a summer camp. With young people flocking to retreats for summer fun this virus, also called H1N1, is on the minds of camp administrators, as well as parents of campers. Recently, Kanakuk, a Christian summer camp near Branson, Mo., discovered several campers who were infected with the virus, . Kanakuk quickly responded to the threat of an outbreak. At the same time, the incident reminded College of the Ozarks Camp Lookout Administrators of how easily something such as H1N1 can spread. So it put together a plan, under the guidlines of the Center for Disease control. During checkin, all campers have their temperature taken and parents must fill out a health assessment evaluation prior to coming. If parents answer yes to even one of the questions, they are asked to keep their child at home. Additionally, camp counselors have been advised on symptoms to watch for and how to properly disinfect camp facilities. Of course, any camper with flu-like symptoms is quickly isolated. Personal care and additional evaluation is provided by the College's physician and nurses, and contact is immediately made with parents. With these precautionary steps, parents can rest at ease andCamp Lookout campers can go about eating smores, swimming, and playing tag without having to worry if they could catch H1N1. Hopefully, the only thing they'll catch at camp is a baseball.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
From School to College

Over the past 40 years thousands of people have passed through the “Gates of Opportunity” at the College of the Ozarks to venture into the campus. The gatehouse, which was built in 1967 has prominently featured “School of the Ozarks,” carved into its limestone face. Presently, the gatehouse is receiving an update and will read “College of the Ozarks.” The School of the Ozarks was officially renamed College of the Ozarks in 1990. As such, such signage changes are appropriate. The title "School of the Ozarks" holds many dear memories to alumni, as well as long-time college friends. Although the gateway to the campus will be slightly different, the college still holds fast to the philosophy on which it was founded, hard-work. What made The School/College of the Ozarks successful will continue so that the visitors coming through the “Gates of Opportunity” witness something spectacular. And the old name plate has certainly not been discarded, but rather will be relocated so that it remains a permanent part of the campus.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Camp Lookout Fun

When I was a little girl, I never got to go to summer camp. Pretty sad, huh. My family operated a small farm and there was never time for anything like that, let alone money to go. So my time was spent taming barn kittens, which provided hours of cheap entertainment. Too bad there wasn't a Camp Lookout back then. In 1990, College of the Ozarks opened a summer Christian camp for area children, ages 8-12, who didn't have the opportunity to attend a camp. Students participating in the College's Summer Work Program serve as camp counselors to this week-long Christian camp. And since it's opening, it's been a summer hit to many youngsters. There's no cost for the fun, and all children have to do is bring their clothes for a week. Everything else including sheets, pillows, tolietries, even a Bible are provided. One thing there isn't a shortage of is entertainment. The college students help plan loads of activities for the children, including water balloons and playing under water falling from a firehose via a firetruck. They even spend a day at Silver Dollar City, Of course you can't have camp without a camp fire and s'mores. Surely, those are memories that will last a lifetime for some of the lucky kids who come to Camp Lookout.
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Regular Ozarks Fourth of July
Holiday's are great, especially the Fourth. The College was kind enough to let all staff off today in observance of the Fourth of July weekend. I'm sure most of us will do pretty much the same thing--eat hamburgers, hot dogs, and homemade ice cream, corral the children in a circle and light their sparklers for them, listen to aunts and uncles, sisters and cousins gab, watch the fireflies light up yard. While most of my family lives close enough to get together. One member will be absent for the celebration. My cousin, Justin, serves in the Army and is stationed in Fort Drum, NY. He'll leave for his second tour--this time to Afghanistan--this fall. His wife will give birth to their second child while he's gone. I wonder how she will feel not having him next to her during that time, and how we he feel not knowing the exact moment his baby girl arrived? It's difficult for me to comprehend the levels of sacrifice that a service man or woman gives. Their lives are on the line. They leave their family for months, missing the most momentous times. Thank God for the men and women willing to make these sacrifices.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Honor Veterans, Honor America
On Sunday, the College hosted its 20th annual Honor America Celebration. The weather was beautiful, 10 degrees cooler than the prior day without a cloud in the sky. Of course, many came out of the woodwork to enjoy the weather and attend this patriotic event. Among those in the crowd was a group of around 60 veterans from the Branson area veterans chapters. They took part in a special tribute to veterans and the military, which
I feel was the highlight of the evening.

KOLR 10, the local CBS affiliate, covered the event and asked to interview me. The reporter asked me "With most Fourth of July events being canceled due to the economy, C of O is going full-speed ahead with its, pulling out all the stops. Why is that?"
"Forget fireworks; forget barbecue," I said. "The important thing to do is remember those who sacrificed so much to allow us the freedom we have today. That is what Independence Day is really about."
Not to grandstand, but I do believe that sometimes we (society) get overenchanted with the festivities associated with a holiday, and forget the reason why we are celebrating. Christmas is another good case in point.
If you were to sit down with someone like Buster Simmons, who served as a medic in WWII and landed in Normandy on D-Day, you may begin to appreciate the soldiers who risked it all and understand the holiday a little better.
Fourth of July; Honor America,
Friday, June 26, 2009
Gearing Up for Honor America

What a busy week it's been! After making it back from my conference in Baltimore, my feet haven't stopped running. This Sunday is Honor America, and preparations are keeping everyone in my office occupied. There are so many details to think about, especially with gathering equipment for the musicians who will perform for the event. This year a bluegrass band, cajun band, 50's group and symphony are included in the musical lineup. Another thing that has taken a lot of time to organize is a special tribute for the veterans and military that will take place on Sunday. The College has invited all the local veterans chapters to participate in the tribute, and so far more than 60 veterans have agreed to help out. I know that attendees always look forward to the fireworks at this event, but I believe that the veterans will outshine any firework. You often hear many complain about the commercialization of holidays like Christmas and Easter. Unfortunately, Independence Day has fallen victim to commercialization too. What I hope to achieve with this year's Honor America is to remind guests what we are really celebrating and honoring. Fireworks are great, but that's not what Fourth of July is about.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Contradictions Galore in Baltimore

It has been rather interesting to hear what members from news organizations like USA Today, US News & World Report, Chicago Tribune, The Wall Street Journal and more had to say about the state of their profession. One would say "we are having to reinvent everything." Another would say "we will be fine; it's not business as usual, but we are fine." I heard everything from blogs would soon be a thing of the past to blogs were the new way to promote your institution. One other contradiction I heard, and I know that my colleagues heard too was that members from the national media don't want called or for that matter even e-mailed (heaven forbid twice), but they care about what stories we have to tell. One gentlemen from a university in Florida said to a panel of reporters, "So what I hear you say is that you don't want us to pitch to you." They sheepishly backtracked, but it was obvious to the room they felt like PR people were car salesmen.
But I digress, now an update about what the national media said about Hard Work U. US News & World Report said they were interested in covering the work college philosophy, as they should be. Dee Dee Thomas from NBC Today Show raised a brow at the concept and wanted to hear more--will follow up later. And Mary Beth Marklein let my pitch fall to the floor with a resounding thud--USA's loss. There are great things to be told about College of the Ozarks, if they will only listen.
But I digress, now an update about what the national media said about Hard Work U. US News & World Report said they were interested in covering the work college philosophy, as they should be. Dee Dee Thomas from NBC Today Show raised a brow at the concept and wanted to hear more--will follow up later. And Mary Beth Marklein let my pitch fall to the floor with a resounding thud--USA's loss. There are great things to be told about College of the Ozarks, if they will only listen.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Away from home
Well, I just made it to Baltimore for the Media Conference. One thing is for certain; Branson is a long-way from Baltimore, literally and figuratively. The towering buildings, city smells, and hoards of people are so different than those of my quaint hometown. Thank God I live in the country! This is sure to be an exciting week, though, and hopefully I will be able to peak someone's interest about the College. Check back and I'll give you an update.
Friday, June 19, 2009

I leave Sunday for the 2009 College Media Conference in Baltimore. This will be the third year for me to attend this highly informational meeting. Each year, I learn something about how to best promote my institution. Generally, members from the national press will speak and try to give insight on what the media are looking for. They all say the same thing--breaking, hard-hitting news or something unique. It is my fortune that I work for one of the most unique colleges in the nation. Students don't pay tuition, instead they work at on-campus jobs, giving them the opportunity to graduate debt free. The work program is unique, no doubt, but the College has some of the most precious students in higher education. Many are the first to attend college in their family. Some have fought adversity in many ways to get to where they are today. One such student is Sarah Metallo. This young woman who, as a toddler, was devastated by a rare, airborne bacterial infection. With both legs amputated below her knees, her left hand with only a thumb and one finger, and her right missing a pinky and most of the three other fingers, attending college, let alone working her way through college was a heck of a mountain to tackle. But Sarah's successfully doing just that. She's will begin her senior year at Hard Work U, working a campus job 15 hours a week just like everyone else. Sarah wants to be treated just like the other students and hasn't asked for an easy job. A matter of fact, she spent two semesters in the stained glass and candle department, using her malformed hands to create perfect artistic pieces. Ambitious to the max, she wants to go into radio. I have no doubt she will be a success. Sarah is a testament to perseverance and hard work.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
KY3 Story on Summer Work Program
'Hard Work U' sees interest spike in summer work program
by Kristin Nelson, kY3 News
Story Published: Jun 18, 2009 at 6:49 AM CDT
Story Updated: Jun 18, 2009 at 10:02 AM CDT
Visit to view story.
POINT LOOKOUT, Mo. -- Keeping the College of the Ozarks campus beautiful requires a lot of hard work but, when Anastasia Wagner graduates, she won't have to sweat her finances.
"I will walk out with my diploma and zero debt, not a dollar owed by that point in time," said Wagner.
Wagner, a junior at College of the Ozarks, has been pulling landscaping duty for three years now. It's part of the school's summer work program, which is growing in popularity.
"Times are really tough for a lot of families out there and they're having trouble meeting that cost of room and board, and the summer work program here is just a great deal," said Chris Larsen, dean of Work Education.
For three months, 40 hours a week, students work off the cost of their room and board for the entire school year. With 200 more applicants than the school needs, however, many students were turned away.
"We want to see students actually earn what they're getting," said Larsen.
Altogether, there are more than 80 jobs that students can do for the summer work program, including milking cows, giving bus tours and making fruit cakes.
"They're going to leave here with a work ethic they wouldn't get in a lot of other places," said Larsen.
That helps students like Wagner weed out possible debt.
"It's really good because I can do whatever I want as soon as I graduate," said Wagner.
by Kristin Nelson, kY3 News
Story Published: Jun 18, 2009 at 6:49 AM CDT
Story Updated: Jun 18, 2009 at 10:02 AM CDT
Visit to view story.
POINT LOOKOUT, Mo. -- Keeping the College of the Ozarks campus beautiful requires a lot of hard work but, when Anastasia Wagner graduates, she won't have to sweat her finances.
"I will walk out with my diploma and zero debt, not a dollar owed by that point in time," said Wagner.
Wagner, a junior at College of the Ozarks, has been pulling landscaping duty for three years now. It's part of the school's summer work program, which is growing in popularity.
"Times are really tough for a lot of families out there and they're having trouble meeting that cost of room and board, and the summer work program here is just a great deal," said Chris Larsen, dean of Work Education.
For three months, 40 hours a week, students work off the cost of their room and board for the entire school year. With 200 more applicants than the school needs, however, many students were turned away.
"We want to see students actually earn what they're getting," said Larsen.
Altogether, there are more than 80 jobs that students can do for the summer work program, including milking cows, giving bus tours and making fruit cakes.
"They're going to leave here with a work ethic they wouldn't get in a lot of other places," said Larsen.
That helps students like Wagner weed out possible debt.
"It's really good because I can do whatever I want as soon as I graduate," said Wagner.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sign of the Times?
Two local tv news stations have done stories on the "popularity" of the College's summer work program. As soon as I got to the office today, KY3 reporter Kristin Nelson called to say she and camerman were on their way down to cover this story. I guess this is just another sign of the times that the country's in a recession.
Every summer the College gives students the opportunity to work for the upcoming year's room and board. Students work 12, 40-hour weeks at on campus jobs, ranging from a fruitcake and jelly kitchen to running a four-star restaurant, to offset this expense. Before this year, the College was able to accept all students into the summer work program. However, with the present economy, the Dean of Work was flooded with summer work applications--more than 700 to be exact. The College accepted 450 students in the the summer program and offered those who did not make in a chance to rent dormrooms at a very inexpensive rate so they could work off-campus jobs to save up for room and board. Since there are normally a bounty of jobs in the tourism mecca of Branson, located two miles from the College, around 150 students opted for the rental program. KY3 plans to air the story tomorrow during the 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. newscasts.
Every summer the College gives students the opportunity to work for the upcoming year's room and board. Students work 12, 40-hour weeks at on campus jobs, ranging from a fruitcake and jelly kitchen to running a four-star restaurant, to offset this expense. Before this year, the College was able to accept all students into the summer work program. However, with the present economy, the Dean of Work was flooded with summer work applications--more than 700 to be exact. The College accepted 450 students in the the summer program and offered those who did not make in a chance to rent dormrooms at a very inexpensive rate so they could work off-campus jobs to save up for room and board. Since there are normally a bounty of jobs in the tourism mecca of Branson, located two miles from the College, around 150 students opted for the rental program. KY3 plans to air the story tomorrow during the 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. newscasts.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back in early May, Governor Mike Huckabee visited College of the Ozarks and gave the Commencement Address. One thing he said stuck with me. He told the graduates "Don't use all your water on too little of fire." That advice may be hard to follow through on, since most people (and when I say most I mean especially me!) tend to overreact as if the sky was falling when they are confronted with any little crook in the road. I hope that the graduates can remember that sound advice when fires come their way.
On a side note, Huckabee was quite impressed with the College and even told his ABC Huckabee Report audience about it the day after he returned from his visit. I briefly met him while taking pictures of him with some of the College dignitaries in the greenroom before he went on. He was extremely pleasant and down to earth. After I had taken his picture with the others, he stopped his conversation with the College President and offered to have his picture made with me. In my job, there have been several occasions where I have been able to meet well-known people, such as Huckabee. My two favorite, by far, are Governor Huckabee and the late Tony Snow.
College of the Ozarks,
Mike Huckabee
Friday, June 12, 2009

On the note of history...
College of the Ozarks is known for its famous fruitcakes, which is quite unusual for institution of higher education. A matter of fact, visitors come from all over to sample and see the cakes being made.
S of O Fruitcakes had their beginnings in the mid 1930s. Not long before Christmas, the girls in the Home Economics Department and Mrs. Annabelle McMaster were making fruitcakes.
One day, then President, Dr. R. M. Good, attracted by the spicy fragrance, stopped by the department and saw some of the cakes set to cool. He asked Mrs. McMasters for fruitcakes to send to some of The School’s good friends. Dr. Good promised to buy the department its first electric stove if they received any contributions in response to the fruitcakes. They got their stove, and the S of O fruitcake tradition was begun.
Currently students, under staff supervision, start making fruitcakes in January each year. By Christmas time, more than 30,000 pounds of fruitcake are made and sold, or sent to donors, in expression of appreciation for their interest in the College. Famous guests such as Lady Margaret Thatcher and President George Bush Sr., have eaten these tasty treats.
One day, then President, Dr. R. M. Good, attracted by the spicy fragrance, stopped by the department and saw some of the cakes set to cool. He asked Mrs. McMasters for fruitcakes to send to some of The School’s good friends. Dr. Good promised to buy the department its first electric stove if they received any contributions in response to the fruitcakes. They got their stove, and the S of O fruitcake tradition was begun.
Currently students, under staff supervision, start making fruitcakes in January each year. By Christmas time, more than 30,000 pounds of fruitcake are made and sold, or sent to donors, in expression of appreciation for their interest in the College. Famous guests such as Lady Margaret Thatcher and President George Bush Sr., have eaten these tasty treats.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's interesting when you work for a place that has history. My institution has been around 102 years, and Ifind bits and pieces of the school in the most inconspicuous of places. For example, you may (or may not) remember the Trixie Belden Mystery Series (kinda like Nancy Drew). Today, Erin Hayes (ABC Correspondent and C of O alum) told me that her niece had just finished off Trixie Belden Mystery #11 The Mystery of Bob White Cave. In it she found several pages where Trixie met a girl who went to The School of the Ozarks, which C of O was called pre-1990. The story told all about The School and went into detail about how the girl worked on campus to cover her education. I wonder if the author visited the school while she was writing the book? What moved her to include the school? Will I ever know? And what mystery will be presented to me tomorrow?
College of the Ozarks,
Trixie Belden
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The other day one of the students working for me walked up to me and asked if I had heard about that timeshare place on the other side of town, where you could get $100 for free. She went on explaining how all you had to do was watch a short video and listen to a 30 minute presentation and they would hand you a hundred dollar bill. I asked her if she had done it? She said no; you have to be over 25. (I wish I wasn't old enough to do it!)
What she didn't realize is that she already has money in her hands. She is one of 450 student working off the upcoming year's room and board during the summer. Students taking advantage of this sweat equity work 12, 40-hour weeks to pay off room and board. Campus jobs range from working in landscaping to operating a 4-star restaurant/lodge to running a summer camp for underprivileged are kids.
What she didn't realize is that she already has money in her hands. She is one of 450 student working off the upcoming year's room and board during the summer. Students taking advantage of this sweat equity work 12, 40-hour weeks to pay off room and board. Campus jobs range from working in landscaping to operating a 4-star restaurant/lodge to running a summer camp for underprivileged are kids.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
If you missed the ABC spot on the veterans and C of O students trip to Normandy for the 65th anniversary of D-Day, check it out. It's a must-see. Link below:
Friday, June 5, 2009
ABC World News Features C of O Students
Tonight a story about the 20 College of the Ozarks students and ten veterans making the trip to Normandy for the 65th Anniversary of D-Day will run on ABC World News with Charles Gibson at 5:30 p.m. (central). A few weeks ago, ABC Correspondent Erin Hayes interviewed students Eden Doss and Benjamin Wilson and veteran Buster Simmons on campus about the journey. This week, Hayes met up with the group in France to follow the story. It will be featured as the “person of the week” segment, which will be during the last segment of the broadcast, barring any breaking news.
Monday, June 1, 2009
College of the Ozarks will host the 20th annual Honor America Celebration the evening of Sunday, June 28 on campus. With great music, food, children’s activities, Uncle Sam and dazzling fireworks, I can't think of a better way to begin Independence Day festivities.
It all begins with a kids activities and a picnic, where guests can purchase barbecue items at 4:30 p.m. The music kicks off at 5 p.m. with the Southwynns Bluegrass Band followed by the 50’s at the Hop at 6 p.m. and Cajun Connection at 7 p.m.
The Springfield Symphony Orchestra will perform a patriotic concert at 8:30 p.m. This old-fashioned Fourth-of-July event will end with an elaborate fireworks display.
Prior to the patriotic concert, there will be a special tribute to the military and veterans.
To truly honor America is to honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom, and the College continues to do this in every aspect.
Unlike some patriotic events, Honor America is FREE. The only hitch, if you can call it that, is that tobacco products, alcohol, fireworks and pets are strictly prohibited.
It all begins with a kids activities and a picnic, where guests can purchase barbecue items at 4:30 p.m. The music kicks off at 5 p.m. with the Southwynns Bluegrass Band followed by the 50’s at the Hop at 6 p.m. and Cajun Connection at 7 p.m.
The Springfield Symphony Orchestra will perform a patriotic concert at 8:30 p.m. This old-fashioned Fourth-of-July event will end with an elaborate fireworks display.
Prior to the patriotic concert, there will be a special tribute to the military and veterans.
To truly honor America is to honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom, and the College continues to do this in every aspect.
Unlike some patriotic events, Honor America is FREE. The only hitch, if you can call it that, is that tobacco products, alcohol, fireworks and pets are strictly prohibited.
College of the Ozarks,
fourth of july
Friday, May 29, 2009
Students Escort WWII Vets to Normandy for D-Day Anniversary
Twenty College of the Ozarks students, accompanied by college faculty members, will leave on Friday, May 29, for a trip of a lifetime. They are part of a travel contingent to France that is the result of a unique partnership between The Greatest Generations Foundation ( a Denver non-profit organization and College of the Ozarks in Point Lookout, Missouri. The 20 students will accompany a group of 10 D-Day veterans making their first visit back to the invasion site since each of them stepped foot on the beach in June of 1944. For the students, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience and for the veterans, it’s a chance to revisit the places that helped to define their generation.
The students will travel with the ten veterans and staff from T.G.G.F to London before crossing the English Channel and traveling through northern France. They will go from DC to London to Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and Point-Du-Hoc. They will visit the crucial Pegasus Bridge together. On June 6, the contingent will join in the International Commemoration of D-Day. Throughout the journey, a pair of students will team up with a veteran. Each day they will rotate, escorting a new veteran, and learn his story. At night the students will take turns blogging about their experience to be posted Springfield News-Leader website.
“With the help of the great folks at The College of the Ozarks, we’re fulfilling the two prime missions of our organization,” said Timothy Davis, President and Founder of T.G.G.F. “In addition to our mission to get veterans back to their battlefields, we’re all about educating new generations about the World War II era and the men and women who fought in the War. These students joining us on this trip are going to receive an educational experience unlike anything else.”
The College of the Ozarks, located in Point Lookout, Missouri has a history and philosophy very compatible with that of The Greatest Generations Foundation. ”This partnership between The Greatest Generations Foundation and the College of the Ozarks is one that fits neatly into our five-fold mission statement here at the college. The five goals are: Academic, Vocational, Christian, Patriotic and Cultural. Our patriotic goal is to encourage an understanding of American heritage, civic responsibilities, love of country, and willingness to defend it,” stated Jerry C. Davis, President of the College of the Ozarks. “You will not find a more receptive college or university to the message and work of The Greatest Generations Foundation. We are honored to assist the foundation and to have our students accompany these American heroes to the sacred soil of Normandy where they fought and so many gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.”
Follow the group through the students' blogs and picture gallery at:
The students will travel with the ten veterans and staff from T.G.G.F to London before crossing the English Channel and traveling through northern France. They will go from DC to London to Utah Beach, Omaha Beach and Point-Du-Hoc. They will visit the crucial Pegasus Bridge together. On June 6, the contingent will join in the International Commemoration of D-Day. Throughout the journey, a pair of students will team up with a veteran. Each day they will rotate, escorting a new veteran, and learn his story. At night the students will take turns blogging about their experience to be posted Springfield News-Leader website.
“With the help of the great folks at The College of the Ozarks, we’re fulfilling the two prime missions of our organization,” said Timothy Davis, President and Founder of T.G.G.F. “In addition to our mission to get veterans back to their battlefields, we’re all about educating new generations about the World War II era and the men and women who fought in the War. These students joining us on this trip are going to receive an educational experience unlike anything else.”
The College of the Ozarks, located in Point Lookout, Missouri has a history and philosophy very compatible with that of The Greatest Generations Foundation. ”This partnership between The Greatest Generations Foundation and the College of the Ozarks is one that fits neatly into our five-fold mission statement here at the college. The five goals are: Academic, Vocational, Christian, Patriotic and Cultural. Our patriotic goal is to encourage an understanding of American heritage, civic responsibilities, love of country, and willingness to defend it,” stated Jerry C. Davis, President of the College of the Ozarks. “You will not find a more receptive college or university to the message and work of The Greatest Generations Foundation. We are honored to assist the foundation and to have our students accompany these American heroes to the sacred soil of Normandy where they fought and so many gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.”
Follow the group through the students' blogs and picture gallery at:
College of the Ozarks,
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Gingrich Gives C of O Students a Lesson on Semantics

April 2, 2009
Gingrich didn’t mince wor
ds with College of the Ozarks students last night, when he described the state of the economy and the present and future threat of radical Islam. In fact, he referred to Orwell’s 1984, to describe what the current administration is doing to mask truth. He gave the Homeland Security Secretary’s revised word for terrorism, "man-made disaster," as an example. The Secretary justified her new term by suggesting the T-word, terrorism, is too inflammatory and representative of old-fashioned "politics of fear." Gingrich also referred to the President Obama’s new term for the Global War on Terror—“overseas contingency operation.” The point of these terms is to disguise the truth, he said. Just as Orwell so eloquently captured in 1984, the manipulation of words can be a powerful means of controlling the minds of individuals.
The Former Speaker also broke down the language used in our nation’s historic documents, pointing to a critical component that the nation had left behind—God. Quoting the Declaration: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The nation has taken a serious misstep when it decided to omit this component, Gingrich suggested. “How can you teach young people the Declaration, the Constitution or Abraham Lincoln? You can’t,” he said. Lincoln made countless references to God and biblical scripture as he illuminated the worth of what was being fought for, while mending a broken nation.
Breaking it down further for the students he explained that we are given freedom of choice by God, not man, and then voluntarily loan it to the United States to unify as a people. Check it out—quoting the Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…” This is our formal declaration that “we” are in this together. Mr. Gingrich emphasized that “we” cannot call ourselves citizens until “we” actively work together to protect our freedom and to make America prosper once again. He called upon C of O students to mobilize by running for office, blogging , Twittering—whatever it takes to make a difference.
Gingrich didn’t mince wor

The Former Speaker also broke down the language used in our nation’s historic documents, pointing to a critical component that the nation had left behind—God. Quoting the Declaration: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
The nation has taken a serious misstep when it decided to omit this component, Gingrich suggested. “How can you teach young people the Declaration, the Constitution or Abraham Lincoln? You can’t,” he said. Lincoln made countless references to God and biblical scripture as he illuminated the worth of what was being fought for, while mending a broken nation.
Breaking it down further for the students he explained that we are given freedom of choice by God, not man, and then voluntarily loan it to the United States to unify as a people. Check it out—quoting the Constitution: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union…” This is our formal declaration that “we” are in this together. Mr. Gingrich emphasized that “we” cannot call ourselves citizens until “we” actively work together to protect our freedom and to make America prosper once again. He called upon C of O students to mobilize by running for office, blogging , Twittering—whatever it takes to make a difference.
Monday, March 23, 2009
It's obvious spring has sprung at Hard Work U. Trees, daffodils, tulips and pansies are showing off for visitors. Many folks make their way to the campus during the fall, in order to see the many hues of orange and red, but perhaps one of the prettiest times to see the College of the Ozarks campus is in the latter part of March and early part of April. If you've never seen the Dogwoods and Redbuds in full bloom on an Ozarks hill, you are missing some of God's best handiwork. I like to imagine what it would have been like when settlers saw these Ozarks hills for the first time--a spring bubbling out the side of moss covered hill while a crooked redbud reveals its inner beauty. Although the landscape has seen man's handiwork, instead of God's, there remains a few places that remind us all His art is better than ours.
Friday, March 20, 2009
A True Cinderella Team
Almost everyone has heard the term "Cinderella" used to describe the underdog team that scraps its way to the finals. Well, this term could not be more aptly used to describe the College of the Ozarks Men's Basketball Team at this year's NAIA D-II Men's Basketball Tournament. Entering as the host school, unseeded, no one expected it to advance to the Champioship game--but that they did. So, Cinderella made it to the ball afterall. But this analogy does not end shallowly. What makes the C of O basketball team a true "Cinderella" is that each athlete works for his or her college education--through the C of O Work Education Program. It's 15 hours of work after or before games or practice, between classes and homework, that athletes, along with every student, at Hard Work U (which the school is commonly known as) must complete. Even All-American Corey Stone, works. His workstation is Custodial. The day after the tournament, one could find him cleaning the very gym where he played in the Championship game the night before. That's what you call a true "Cinderella."
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