There's a lot to be said these days about living within you means, spending wisely, and avoiding government bailouts. Visit almost any news site and read hints about saving money on groceries to handling college tuition
Weighing the Price and Value of Colleges. There are many individuals weighing in on the current recession, some with practical ideas. I'm not usually in the business of plugging politicos, but former Speaker Newt Gingrich's concepts for prosperity actually make some sense. Last Friday, he addressed the American Legislative Exchange Council and shared with them practical ideas of how to get Americans inspired to achieve three things for the nation: safety, prosperity and freedom. To do that, he insists, that we must rethink litigation, regulation, taxation, education, health, energy and infrastructure.
Read the outline of his full speech
He uses College of the Ozarks as a reference for improving higher education, while instilling the positive characteristics, such as work ethic, that made the United States a prosperous nation. While it would be difficult to translate the C of O work program for a state institution, there should be some thought as to what hybrid would be successful at the public level.
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