It's interesting when you work for a place that has history. My institution has been around 102 years, and Ifind bits and pieces of the school in the most inconspicuous of places. For example, you may (or may not) remember the Trixie Belden Mystery Series (kinda like Nancy Drew). Today, Erin Hayes (ABC Correspondent and C of O alum) told me that her niece had just finished off Trixie Belden Mystery #11 The Mystery of Bob White Cave. In it she found several pages where Trixie met a girl who went to The School of the Ozarks, which C of O was called pre-1990. The story told all about The School and went into detail about how the girl worked on campus to cover her education. I wonder if the author visited the school while she was writing the book? What moved her to include the school? Will I ever know? And what mystery will be presented to me tomorrow?
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